
Science-knowledge of a system of knowledge covering general truths or the operation of general laws especially as obtained and tested through the scientific method and concerned with the physical world and its phenomena 
(Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary 2012)

Creationism-defense of the literal account in Genesis and seeks to reconcile scientific evidence with this account

Intelligent Design (ID)-theory that holds certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause (www.intelligentdesign.org/whatsid.php)

Evolution-changes in the features of individuals in a biological population that occur over the course of generations; changes in allele frequencies

Microevolution-changes in allele frequencies that occur over time within a population

Macroevolution-evolution at a large scale (above the species level) due to the accumulations of microevolutionary changes (Biology: Science for Life with Physiology Belk & Borden Maier, 2010)

Natural Selection-process by which individuals with certain traits have greater survival and reproduction than individuals who lack these traits (Biology: Science for Life with Physiology Belk & Borden Maier, 2010)

Allele-alternative form of a gene or trait encoded in DNA (Biology: Science for Life with Physiology Belk & Borden Maier, 2010)

Darwinism-Darwinism identifies a core set of concepts, principles and methodological maxims that were first articulated and defended by Charles Darwin and which continue to be identified with a certain approach to evolutionary questions (http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/darwinism/)

Homology-traits inherited by two different organisms from a common ancestor (http://evolution.berkeley.edu/evolibrary/article/similarity_hs_01)

Cosmology-the scientific study of the large scale properties of the universe as a whole; it uses the
scientific method to understand the origin, evolution and ultimate fate of the entire Universe.

Cosmic microwave background radiation- radiation that is remnant heat left over from the Big
Bang (http://map.gsfc.nasa.gov/universe/bb_tests_cmb.html)

Singularity-state at which the space time curvature, along with temperature, density, and pressure
become infinite; hot, dense state that is recognized as the beginning of our universe in the Big Bang
model (p. 107)

Anthropic Principle-connections between physical constants that seem to be necessary for the
existence of life in the universe (http://www.colorado.edu/philosophy/vstenger/Cosmo/ant_encyc.pdf)

Big Bang Theory-standard cosmological model stating that the universe expanded from a hot dense
state between 12 and 14 million years ago into the universe as we know it today

Inflation-an extremely rapid period of expansion at the beginning of our universe; seeks to address
issues in the standard Big Bang model

Ockham’s Razor-principle stating that ‘entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily (http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/physics/General/occam.html)

Copernican Principle/Principle of Mediocrity-states that the Earth is not the center of the universe, and that, as observers, we don’t occupy a special place (http://phys.org/news130673436.html)

Galactic Habitable Zone-zone in the galaxy where habitable planets might be possible (p. 167)

Globular Clusters-highly concentrated groups of stars; typically contain some of the oldest stars

Circumstellar Habitable Zone-region around a star where you can have liquid water on the surface of a terrestrial planet; determined by the amount of light received from a host star (p. 174)

Albedo-proportion of sunlight a planet reflects for temperature regulation (p. 183)

Design-purposeful arrangement of parts (Darwin’s Black Box, p. 193)

Black Box-device that does something but whose inner workings are mysterious-sometimes because the workings can’t be seen, and sometimes because they just aren’t comprehensible (Darwin’s Black Box, p. 6)

Irreducible Complexity-single system composed of several well-matched, interacting parts that contribute to the basic function, wherein the removal of any one part causes the system to effectively cease functioning (Darwin’s Black Box, p. 39)

Cascade-a series of chemical reactions in which the products of one reaction are consumed in the next reaction

Dysteleology-examines the purposeless of structures in nature

Greenhouse Effect-refers to circumstances where the short wavelengths of visible light from the sun pass through a transparent medium and are absorbed, but the longer wavelengths of the infrared re-radiation from the heated objects are unable to pass through that medium; the trapping of the long wavelength radiation leads to more heating and a higher resultant temperature (http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/thermo/grnhse.html)

Plate Tectonics-large scale motions of the Earth’s lithosphere

God of the Gaps-process of inserting God when you don’t have any other explanation; derogatory phrase used to describe what are termed ‘arguments from ignorance’ (p. 207)

Consciousness-quality or state of being aware of an external object or something within oneself

Sentience-ability to have sensations or experiences

Sapience-having wisdom or discernment

Neuroplasticity-the ability of the human brain to change as a result of one’s experience; also known
as brain plasticity or neural plasticity

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